Ever since this school year started, Ben has been begging to be allowed to do school too, but he rarely has the patience to do more than about one worksheet without getting bored or frustrated. That is, until yesterday, when I remembered Hannah's unused Kindergarten book for Sing, Spell, Read and Write...
When Hannah began this reading program, she already knew all of her letter sounds, so we skipped over book on in the curriculum. I pulled it out yesterday, though, and discovered that it is at the perfect level for Ben. We gave it a try and he just loves it! He has done it for an hour straight two days in a row now, and he cries when I make him quit!
It focuses on patterns, basic writing, and letter sounds, and it involves enough varied activities - including cutting and pasting - to keep Ben interested for a long time. Today, he learned the short "a" sound - "A-a-apple." I think he does a very good job coloring in the lines.
He also really enjoys anything that involves scissors and glue. He had to find words that began with an "a" in a magazine and glue them on this page. They were supposed to be short "a" sounds (apple, apple sauce, apple juice), but we cheated and added "airplane" because we couldn't find any other a-words. Ben loved this activity!
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