We reached a good point today to assess progress and see how much Hannah has learned from what we have been studying together. Her reading program had its first test today, so I decided to put together a short math test (25 questions) and a longer unit test (30 questions plus a bonus) to give at the same time. Because she has never taken a test before, I sat with her, talked her through the directions and encouraged her to think carefully about her responses and stay on task. I also administered the unit test orally, because it would have been too much writing for her to handle.
Even though I knew Hannah understood the material, I still felt astonished at how well she did today! She only missed one question on the unit test, but she got the bonus question, which required her to put together two concepts in a way we had not discussed previously. She got every single question correct on her math and reading tests, as well!
The following concepts were covered on the math and reading assessments: reading and writing three digit numbers, adding numbers up to 9, vocabulary word recognition and comprehension, matching words to pictures, reading comprehension, and filling in missing letters (for example, a picture of a flag with "fla___" written underneath, and she writes in the missing "g").
Our unit study so far has involved basic global geography (oceans and continents) and where we live. This unit focuses on North America, and we have specifically talked about the Grand Canyon and about some North American animals. We read and discussed five excellent children's books: I See Something Grand by Mitzi Chandler, Condor's Egg by Jonathan London, All about Rattlesnakes, All About Owls, and All About Turkeys, all by Jim Arnosky.
I have to share her unit test with you, because even I was impressed. I will write the question and her answers to each question, as dictated to me.
1) What continent do we live on? North America
2) What country do we live in? United States of America
3) What state do we live in? Ohio
4) What city do we live in? Mansfield
5) What is erosion? When the water goes down and washes rocks and dirt away.
6) Name 3 animals that live in the Grand Canyon: Collared lizards, big horned sheep, and pink rattlesnakes
7) Do condors always have to flap their wings when they fly? No
8) What do condors ride on when they fly? Warm air
9) What do condors eat? Dead animals
10) What do condors use to make a nest for their egg? Pebbles
11) What do rattlesnakes have on their tails? Rattles
12) Why do rattlesnakes shake their rattles? To tell you to get away or they will bite.
13) What covers a rattlesnake's skin? Scales
14) What are rattlesnakes' long front teeth called, that they use to inject poison into food and enemies? Fangs
15) Name one thing that a rattlesnake eats: Mice
16) What is an animal that eats rattlesnakes? Roadrunners
17) Are owls awake at night or day? Night
18) Name one type of owl: Snowy owls
19) How many toes do owls have on each foot? 4
20) Can owls move their eyes? No
21) What do owls move in order to look around? Their heads
22) What does "nocturnal" mean? Awake at night
23) Are owls' feathers noisy or quiet when they fly? Quiet
24) Name one thing an owl eats? Frogs
25) What bird hates and chases away owls? Crows
26) What is a "boy" turkey called? Tom
27) What is a "girl" turkey called? Hen
28) Name one thing a turkey eats: Seeds and nuts
29) What colors does a turkey's head turn when it is excited? Red, white and blue
30) Name one animal that eats turkeys: Rattlesnakes (this one is incorrect)
31) Where do turkeys sleep at night? In a tree
BONUS: Are turkeys nocturnal? No - they sleep at night.
Isn't she amazing?! Sorry for the bragging... but she did really well today and I just had to share!
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